The Study and The Sermon

We are always trying to equip you with resources that you can use to help you become both a better pastor and preacher.  One of the greatest challenges facing pastors is the reservation of time for sermon preparation in the study.  During some of my study today, I listened to a talk/lecture by R. Kent Hughes during the 1996 Desiring God Conference.  I could write about what he had to say, but I could never do justice to his delivery and his material.  I have been challenged by his message.

I would encourage you to set aside the time to listen to Hughes’ The Study and The Sermon.  You can put it on your ipod and listen to it in the car or even at the gym.  I recommend keeping a notebook handy, I found several things noteworthy in his lecture and in the Q & A time that follows.


HT: Unashamed Workman

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