Caring For Your Congregation


Among pastors in the neo-reformed movement (of which I would consider myself a part), there is an overwhelming desire to be committed wholly to the truths of God’s Word. I applaud all efforts to return the church to being the gospel-saturated community built on the Word that it was intended by Christ to be. However, there runs with this the risk of Phariseeism that we must all seek to resist. The Pharisees were great at pointing out the speck in their brother’s eye, but because of their own blind sinfulness, they could do nothing to remove it.

Pastors, we must all strive for gospel truth, but even as we proclaim gospel truth, we must also strive to live it out. Part of living the gospel does certainly mean examining ourselves on a regular basis to determine where we need to be in active repentence, but I’d like to suggest one other area where we should focus our attention.

How horrible to point to our sister’s sin without helping her to be free from it. We need to be able, not only to point out the speck in our brother’s eye, but to help him to remove the speck. He may need someone to flush it out for him, or simply a pastor to stand loving by his side equipping him to do the task. Regardless, the fact remains the same, our people need to hear the truths of God’s word about repentance and healing. Care for your people by preaching the gospel, but do not neglect to care for them by living out the implications of the gospel in their lives as well.

1 thought on “Caring For Your Congregation”

  1. I have a great passion for expository preaching but also I have a great passion for pastoral care. After many years of preaching God’s word, I believe the two must go together. People want to see your messages and pastoral care is a good way of showing people that God is real in your life.

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