Seven sure-fire ways to blow up a church

Dr. Chuck Lawless, Dean of the Billy Graham School of Missions and Evangelism at Southern Seminary, recently wrote a piece describing seven sure-fire ways to blow up a church.  They are listed below, but you will want to read his descriptions of these on the SBTS website here.

Seven sure-fire ways to blow up a church:

1. Begin my ministry as a teacher and refuse to be a learner.
2. Assume that the “honeymoon period” as a church leader is the time to make as many changes as possible.
3. Expect to fix everything overnight.
4. Teach a theological system more than the Bible.
5. Study always and seldom “hang out” with people.
6. Blame undiscipled members for acting like believers who have never been discipled.
7. Pray reactively rather than proactively.

-May God help us to lead and love his church, and never bring her harm!

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