A Look at 30

Yesterday was a big day, I celebrated the 30th anniversary of my birth.  Somehow that sounds better to me than to say that I turned thirty.  Either way, regardless of how you slice it, I’ve been on this earth for thirty years and have thirty less years to go than I did on February 3, 1981.  I took some time to reflect on my thirtieth birthday yesterday and on the things I’ve been able to accomplish thus far in my life.  The one thing that absolutely jumped out at me was the realization that I’ve accomplished nothing on my own.

The greatest experience of my thirty years must certainly be my salvation which was accomplished for me by Christ 2000 years ago.  I consider my education and realize that without able and willing teachers and professors, I would probably be uneducated today.  Without parents that shaped and molded me, I would certainly not be the man I am today.

When I consider my family, there would be none were Angela not willing to love me and put up with me.  She has given me the privilege of a godly wife and wonderful children, but again, I did not do that on my own.  I did and continue to need her to be the husband and father God has created me to be.

I am blessed to pastor a fantastic church, but the leadership there is a gift from God and necessitates a great deal of partnership and involvement from others within the church to accomplish the mission God has given us.  With the help of other leaders and members, we are seeing great things accomplished for the kingdom.  I have a part to play, but I am realizing more and more that a part is all I have to play…I am merely one piece of the puzzle.

Thirty, I’ve decided is not so bad, but my prayer is that my next thirty years will be more productive for the kingdom of God than my first thirty.  My last thirty has shown me that for me to accomplish all that God has in store for me, I will need to partner with many others for many years to come.  None of us are men to ourselves, we are all in need of the community that God has given us to accomplish the goals he has for us.  God give us grace to see the gifts you given us in partnership with others.

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