Why VBS Matters

Vacation Bible School is a big deal to our church (www.malvernhill.org).  So big, in fact, that some folks in our community who do not attend our church plan their vacations around our VBS.  So big that last night (Monday) we had 100 more people than we had for the same night of VBS last year.  So big that we had nearly 100 volunteers serving in our church last night.  So big that we had almost 250 children in attendance light night.  So big that some people stressed and some people rejoiced.  So big that we’ve had to rent a tent to accommodate our family night events on Friday.  Our VBS is so big that I can’t stop talking about it.

But, is it all about the numbers?

Well, ultimately it’s not about the attendance or the volunteers or the tent, but it is about the number of children and families who will hear and respond to the gospel as a result of VBS.  Why does VBS matter so much to our church?  Because through VBS, many children and families will be exposed to the gospel.  30% of the children who registered for VBS online this year do not attend church regularly anywhere…did you get that?  Nearly one in three of the children who are being ministerd to through our church this week do not regularly attend church.  That’s one big reason VBS matters.  Secondly, a full 50% of online registrants have not received Christ as Savior. Half of the kids attending VBS are lost and in need of a savior–and they are coming onto our campus to hear about Jesus.

VBS is missions.  VBS matters to our church and is a big deal to our church because children and families come to Jesus through VBS.  Vacation Bible School may seem like kids stuff to many pastors—and it is, but Jesus was about kids stuff too.  Kids need Jesus and so do their parents.  We have leaders in our church who are committed to Christ and his mission to the world and that mission includes children.  As a result, we have a commitment, not just to do VBS, but to do VBS WELL. In fact, we set out to do VBS as well or better than anyone else.  Not because we are competitive against other churches, but because we really believe that the salvation of children is worth a significant investment of time and money and we believe that God will continue to bless that.

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