The Daily Docket 4/23/14

Bart Ehrman’s Latest Book— This is a good article on the premise behind Ehrman’s latest book, and all of his books. Ehrman begins with the premise that the New Testament isn’t reliable. “Ehrman’s explanation for how Jesus’ divinity evolved is pretty implausible without his fundamental premise that the New Testament was not written by eyewitnesses”

The Lock Ness Monster on Apple Maps?— This is a short article explaining how easy it is for satellite images to fool us.

When Pastors Fall– Ed Stetzer offers a helpful commentary on the accusation of sin toward pastors and the appropriate response to sin.  So, while pastors have a higher scriptural standard to receive criticism– and cultural realities exist making it harder to make such accusations– pastors also have a higher standard to repentance. Yes, repentance should be evident when any believer is caught in sin, but something more is required when a pastor is involved, and this matters just as much as the cautions against accusations

Building a Better Earth Day— Yesterday was Earth Day.  Kevin DeYoung has some ideas on how to make Earth Day palatable for believers.

It is Well With my Soul–This is a great rendition of an old hymn.  At the three minute mark, John Piper shares the story of the hymn whose writer, Horatio Spafford lost his four daughters in an accident at sea.

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