Pastor, Don’t Quit

As Paul languishes in prison expecting to die, he sends one final letter to his protege with some instructions and some requests. He asks Timothy to come to him and to bring some things. He urges Timothy to guard the gift that has been entrusted to him and to serve as a good soldier of Christ. Timothy is warned against the passions of youth and urged to preach the Word in season and out. And then, Paul’s writing takes a more personal turn with these words, “As for you.”

Paul says that others will wander from the faith, they will refuse to listen to the preached Word, they will even cling to godless myths, but, Timothy is expected to rise above all of that. “As for you,” Paul writes, “always be sober-minded, endure suffering, do the work of an evangelist, fulfill your ministry.”

In layman’s terms, “Timothy, don’t quit!”

So, pastor, I write today to urge you, don’t quit. You will be tempted to quit. You may be tempted to quit right now, but don’t quit. It is true, people will not always endure sound teaching, but don’t quit. People will sometimes accumulate other teachers for themselves and crush your spirit, but don’t quit. Deacons will walk away from the faith, but don’t quit. Leaders in your church may get caught up into myths, but don’t quit.

The call is too urgent, the needs too great, and God is too worthy for you to quit. You will be tempted in many areas, but you must endure.

  • Don’t quit preaching. Is it a dry season, do your sermons seem to not make an impact beyond the first row? Don’t quit!
  • Don’t quit leading. God called you to be the overseer. Perhaps none follow today, rest assured that if you quit, they won’t follow tomorrow either. Seek the Lord, pray for vision, and lead your people. Don’t quit!
  • Don’t quit praying. Your prayers are making it past the ceiling. God has promised, “Call to me, and I will answer you.” He hears the prayers of his people. Don’t quit!
  • Don’t quit loving. Are you in a difficult situation with people who are gossiping and abusing you? God is love and he has called us as his children to live as He is. Love them, even when it is hard, it is worth it. Don’t quit!
  • Don’t quit reading. Read the Word of God, spend time in devotion and study daily. You need God’s Word. It will feed your soul. Without it, you will whither and die. Don’t quit!
  • Don’t quit sharing. The gospel is powerful, it is the power of God for salvation. Never stop believing in the power of the gospel and never stop sharing it. People need hope and you have it. Don’t quit!
  • Don’t quit on your kids. Pastoral ministry is stressful and time-consuming and after meeting everyone else’s needs, sometimes the last thing you want to do is throw a ball or wrestle in floor or help with bath-time, but they need you. Don’t quit!
  • Don’t quit on your marriage. Pastor, love your wife and love her well. She is your first ministry and she is your greatest asset. The needs of the world can edge her out, and allure of greener pastures can entice you. Don’t quit!
  • Don’t quit on life. I really wish I didn’t have to write this, but the suicide rate among pastors is higher than it is among the general population. There is real stress and struggle for pastors, but trust me on this, you have worth and purpose. Don’t quit!

There is work to do, pastor. There are no promises that serving the Lord is easy or enjoyable, but there is a ministry to be fulfilled. There is work to be done, and you’ve been called to the task. Others have gone before you, others will come behind you, but this is your time. This is your moment. This is your calling. Don’t quit!

Is it hard? You’ll make it.

Is it scary? Jesus will never leave you nor forsake you.

Are you suffering? We have a great high priest who suffered and knows what you are going through.

Are people ignoring you? Read the prophets, you’re not the first, but you can make it.

Pastor, don’t quit. You’re not as alone as you feel. Don’t quit. Run to Jesus, hang on for dear life, and then trust in his strong arms to hold you when your strength fails.

In the marathon of pastoral ministry, the reward is to the faithful not the fast. Jesus has won the race, our task is not to win, just to finish, clinging to the cross of Jesus that has paved the way. You can make it, Jesus has gone ahead. He’s enough and his calling is sure.

Others will fail, others will falter, others will walk away, but, as for you, don’t quit!

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