
Clothed In Christ

Romans 13:11-14. Christians are called to cast off the works of darkness and sin and instead to be clothed in Christ. Walking in the light means walking in such a way as to not have anything from which to hide.

Paid in Love

Romans 13:8-10. Love is the fulfillment of the law. Do you live to love others or do you primarily live for yourself? Following Christ means loving like Christ.

The Marks of The Messenger

Romans 12:9-21. Paul shows some of the characterizing marks of true Christianity. If you claim the name of Christ, you should look like his follower.

They Mystery of God

Romans 11:25-36. We can and cannot know the mind of God. We can and should know his revealed will and follow it closely, but we cannot know the secret hidden will of God. The secret things belong to the Lord and we should trust him with those secrets.

The Expansion of God’s Kingdom

Romans 11:11-24. God, in Christ, has spread the net of the gospel wide and has made a way for multitudes of peoples to be included among his people.

God’s Provision

Romans 11:5-10. God has given his grace so that his promises could and would be fulfilled. God’s promises will be fulfilled, not because of the ability of people but because of the good grace of God.

Get To Work

Romans 10:14-21. All who call on the name of the Lord will be saved, but they cannot call on him of whom they have not heard. We must obey the command of Christ and work to fulfill the Great Commission. Will you go?

The Cross and Politics

2 Chronicles 7:14, James 1:27

The cross must effect the way that we engage in politics. As Christians, our primary objective is to build Christ’s kingdom.

The Cross Gives You a Mission

The Great Commission is God’s command to us all, but we all have unique oportunities to fulfill that commission. Your mission is determining where, when, and how God would have you to fulfill his Great Commission right where you are.

The Cross Gives You Victory

Colossians 2:6-15. Christ has disarmed the rulers and authorities. As a Christian you are not only promised eternity in heaven, you are invited to walk with Christ and experience his victory in this life.