1 Peter

The Shepherd Leader

What is a Pastor? In 1 Peter 5, the apostle Peter shows us that a pastor is a shepherd leader who eagerly and willingly loves and cares for the flock of God under his care.


The Fruit of Your Salvation

1 Peter 1:13-25

When you squeeze a lemon, you get lemon juice. When you squeeze a Christian, you should get Jesus. Those who have been born again in Christ are also changed. They are called to holiness. TBQ: Are you being sanctified?

You Are No Americans

In a few months, I’ll be preaching from 1 Peter and was doing a little reading this morning in preparation for those sermons. I came across a story from R. C. Sproul that vividly captures our identity as Christians: My wife, Vesta, and I were traveling from Hungary into Romania right after the breakup of …

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