
No, You Don’t Know How I Feel

Empathy is the the feeling that you share in another person’s experiences, emotions, or feelings. During times of great loss or trouble, little is as comforting as an empathetic friend. When a young woman lost a child late in pregnancy, she was comforted by her mother who had also lost a child late in pregnancy. …

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Mourn With The Mourning

We just walked through a difficult death in our church family that affected our entire community. The woman who died unexpectedly was a devoted wife and mother who loved Jesus, her church, and the middle school students she taught. She embodied much of what Proverbs 31 describes as an excellent wife. It was my privilege …

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God’s Work

“When John Wesley was asked what he would do if he knew he were to die that night, he said that he would eat his supper, preach at the candlelight service, say his prayers, and go to bed.  The monument to John and Charles Wesley in Westminster Abbey in London reads, ‘God buries his workmen, …

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