
Here I Stand…A Short Response to The Hatmakers

A member of my church asked me to write a response to the recent news from Brandon and Jen Hatmaker regarding their stance on same sex marriage and LGBTQ. The firestorm (though probably more of a tempest in a tea kettle) began with the publication of an interview between Jen Hatmaker and Jonathan Merritt that …

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Putting The Truth To Work



Doriani, Daniel M.  Putting the Truth to Work: the Theory and Practice of Biblical Application. Phillipsburg, New Jersey: P&R Publishing, 2001.  342pp. $17.99 (much $11.69 at wtsbooks .



             As a companion to his excellent work, Getting the Message, Daniel Doriani published Putting the Truth to Work in 2001.  In Getting the Message (Hereafter, GTM), Doriani gave a basic outline for the beginning stages of hermeneutics and exegesis.  In Putting the Truth to Work, the author seeks to apply the basic principles set forth in GTM, through the CAPTOR method of exegesis to the greater task of application. 

            Though wide in scope, the book seeks to answer the main question, “Is the Bible relevant?” (1).  That is, in short, what application is all about.  Showing readers and hearers how the Bible, as a whole and in specific texts, is relevant to their lives and their individual situations.  However, no one can expect to discover the contemporary meaning of the Bible without knowing its original meaning.  That is the assertion of Doriani, and it is that assertion that builds the foundation for this work. 


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