
Blind Faith

Mark 10: 46-52 Bartimaeus had blind faith. Even as voices around him tried to silence his cries, his trust in Jesus didn’t falter.  TBQ: Where is your trust?

Christianity is Uncomfortable

If you aren’t uncomfortable, you may not be following Jesus. Just consider the group of people following Jesus toward Jerusalem as he moved toward Palm Sunday. As he started out on his journey, he was met by a rich young man who asked how he could get into heaven. Jesus told him to sell everything and give his money to the poor because it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to get into heaven. This teaching from Jesus was so radical that the disciples were left wondering who in the world could be saved. While they were still reeling from this, Jesus “comforted” them by saying,

Don’t Misunderstand the Mission

Dirty? God’s not worried about dirt. He loves you, dirty as you are, and cleans you up. See, this is the love of God, the love that you and I are called to give. Not wedding day kind of love. That’s fun and pretty. God loves us with hospice kind of love. He loves us enough to clean us when we can’t clean ourselves. He loves us enough to spoon feed us when we can’t lift the spoon. God loves you enough to love you even when you don’t love him.

Do All You Can

As Jesus sends out his disciples on their first missionary journey, he urges them to do all they can. In our own mission efforts, all we can do is all we can do, but we can’t be satisfied until we have done all we can do.

Through The Fire

The Spirit of God drove Jesus into the wilderness to be tempted and tried. Jesus’ ministry began in the wilderness. He proved his mettle there. TBQ: What does Jesus’ testing mean for us?