Book Review: Vintage Jesus

Vintage Jesus: Timeless Answers to Timely Questions

Publisher: Crossway

Author: Mark Driscoll & Gerry Breshears

ISBN-13: 9781581349757

Binding: Hardcover


Vintage Jesus: Timeless Answers to Timely Questions, was coauthored by Pastor Mark Driscoll, and one of his mentors and seminary professors, Dr. Gerry Breshears. The book, is the first of many Crossway publications, in the ReLit theology series. Vintage Jesus is a very engaging popular level theology book.

In the book, Driscoll offers biblical answers to twelve common questions concerning the person and work of Jesus of Nazareth. While answering these questions, Driscoll explains biblical Christology in a very accessible manner. His use of biblical texts, historical data, current cultural illustrations, and at times a dose of humor, make Vintage Jesus a very good read. Each chapter concludes with a section entitled, “Answers to Common Questions…” which were written by Dr. Gerry Breshears. These sections are a very helpful addition to this book, by giving the reader biblical answers to some of the more specific questions that stem from each chapter.

I found chapter six, on the atonement, and chapter seven, on the resurrection to be excellent. Furthermore, chapter ten, “What Makes Jesus Superior to Other Saviors?” was encouraging and convicting to say the least; a great reminder of our sufficient Savior, Jesus Christ. One of the great aspects of this book, revolves around the numerous occasions, when you hear Driscoll’s heart as a pastor speak clearly. Most notably, he concludes chapter nine, “Why Should We Worship Jesus?” by giving some personal pastoral illustrations of ways he has witnessed people chase after, and in the end worship things that will never ultimately satisfy. Then he writes:

I have spoken to numerous young people for whom these stories are biography. The only hope for them and for every other sinner prone to break the first two commandments is to believe the truth that only when God is glorified will we ever be truly satisfied. Through the worship of Jesus Christ alone there is joy, freedom, holiness, and life. Only by worshiping God our Creator are we free to enjoy creation by rightly eating, drinking, sleeping, playing, working, laughing, loving, weeping, marrying, parenting, living, and dying to the glory of God. I am a Christian because I want to be happy and, after trying lesser things, I am convinced that my desires are from God and can find their satisfaction in him alone.

I would mention a slight word of caution that some readers have had concerning some of the expressions that Driscoll uses. This book is an expansion of a series of sermons that Driscoll preached to the several thousand members and attendees of Mars Hill Church, located in Seattle, WA. God is using Driscoll and his church in amazing ways to reach the younger generation, in one of the darkest cities in America, with the gospel of Jesus Christ. Having a knowledge of this cultural context that Driscoll is ministering in, gives a greater understanding for the “questionable” language that some have cautioned against. I for one would recommend it to believers or nonbelievers, who are teenagers or older.

Vintage Jesus, is a fine book that will instruct new believers, encourage mature believers, and proclaim the truth to unbelievers about the person and work of Jesus Christ. Driscoll offers both biblical truths about Christ, as well as the practical implications that flow from those truths. Oh, and, one more thing; it is saturated with the Gospel!

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