Monday Musings

“Why is praying to be done, and to be done first?  In my case the answer is clear: before I am a preacher, I am a sinner; and I don’t know anywhere else to et forgiveness, except from God.  In addition before being a preacher, I am to be a worshipper. Before being a lover of my neighbor, I am to be a lover of God.  All that I will ever be is a man to who the Lord has said, ‘Without me you can do nothing’ (John 15:5).  And yet I am a preacher.  But as a preacher I need a word from heaven; and when I have received it, I need heavenly help in proclaiming it.  Praying just has to be the great priority.”

-Stuart Olyott, Ministering Like The Master (Edinburgh: Banner of Truth, 2003), 80-81.

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