My New Discipleship Strategy

On Monday, I made a new friend. I was introduced to a first grader who has no dad at home and needs tons of attention. He struggles in reading class and in other areas, but has an incredible smile and is enjoyable to be around. Did I mention that he needs Jesus?

I don’t know much about my buddy’s home life or his background. I know nothing of his parents or his grandparents. But, like all people in this world, I know that he needs Jesus. For now, I’m just volunteering at his school, helping him to read. We give high-fives and I put my arm around his shoulders to tell him he’s doing a great job. His teachers tell me he has never sat so still and attentive.

Teachers ask me why I’m taking time out of my “very busy” schedule to volunteer at their school. I’ve had the opportunity to share tell them that the Gospel has changed my life and I want to live out the implications of the Word by making a difference in the lives of others. See, I’m realizing that “very busy” is often an idol in my life that keeps me from being “very concerned,” “very evangelistic,” or “very loving.”

I’m a pastor. I pray that God uses our church to change hundreds of lives, but for now I’m also going to focus on changing one life at a time. I’m not too busy to change a few lives one-on-one, and you aren’t either. I’m praying that eventually I’ll have the opportunity to share the gospel with my little first-grade buddy, but until then, I’m going to live out the gospel in front of him every chance I get.

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