Fantastic Four

Trevin Wax links to the napping habits of 8 famous men.

If you’re still not convinced of the benefits of napping and are in need of some additional inspiration, or, you’re simply curious about how some of history’s famous men incorporated the nap into their daily routines, today we provide a look at the napping habits of 8 eminent men.

A free worship workshop for those of you in or near South Carolina.

You know the feeling.  It’s worship practice, and there is something in the room.  Call it stagnation, complacency, hitting a wall, getting settled, or maybe something else, but you know when you work with your worship team and it just seems like you aren’t getting anywhere.  You’ve hit the bottom. That’s why you need a lift.

The Question Rob Bell isn’t being asked.

the one question for any universalist is this, “Is Hitler in heaven?”

My favorite St. Patty’s video.

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