Fantastic Four

Tim Challies reminds us to tend to our own families before we seek the approval of others.

What if all the blog readers are impressed but my wife is entirely unimpressed? There are many pastors who are loved all around the world but who have earned very little respect in their own church. There are many men who are admired far and wide but whose wife and children struggle to find any reason to respect them.

Jessica Simpson still not skinny enough for Hollywood standards…experts say that a good relationship leads to healthy self-image.

“Being with someone who loves and appreciates you no matter how you look can go very far in helping you develop a positive relationship with your own body.”

Kenneth Stewart has written an excellent book chronicling ten myths about Calvinism that need to be exploded.  This is important for those of the more and less reformed perspectives.

Historian of Christianity Ken Stewart is intent on setting the record straight about Reformed theology. He identifies ten myths held by either or both Calvinists and non-Calvinists and shows how they are gross mischaracterizations of that theological stream.

Powerful story of legendary sportscaster Nick Charles facing death and seeking to leave a legacy for his wife and 5 year old daughter.

“My little girl needs a good daddy more than anything right now,” he says. “This is a gift from God where I need to build these memories for her, so that I’m not a blur.”

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