Month: September 2011

Quick Book Reviews

I received two books in the mail yesterday and have spent some time with each of them, not enough to give a detailed review, but enough to give some insight.  The first and the one I’m most excited about is the brand new volume on Galatians and Ephesians from the  Reformation Commentary on Scripture.  This …

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Monday Musings

Christian preachers, more than all others, should know that people are starving for God. If anyone in all the world should be able to say, “I have looked upon thee in the sanctuary, beholding thy power and glory,” it is the herald of God. Who but preachers will look out over the wasteland of secular …

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Monday Musings

Yet if there is a realm in which we should be aware of spiritual warfare, surely it is in the realm of preaching.  Surely the enemy would love to disrupt or damage the proclamation of God’s Word, the presentation of the Gospel, the encouragement of believers and the praise of God. -Taken from

On New Testament Critical Scholarship

David Hall recounts a story from Magnus Pyke on the results of Critical Scholarship In the 1950s and 1960s many British towns were radically redeveloped.  Whole areas of a town were pulled down and rebuilt in an econical, efficient, and scientific way.  The unfortunate result, Pyke observes, was that when the people came back to …

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