The Daily Docket (6/17/14)

5 Ways to Know if You are Playing Sports Through Your Child-I’ve witnessed, though, a side effect in youth sports that is both pathetic and sad that affects every single person involved in youth sports – parents who feel the need to “play the game” through their child.

Is God Anti-Gay?— This is a helpful book review for an important book.  Homosexuality is the hot-button issue of the day, and Christians need to understand what God’s word has to say about it.

18 Pieces of Wisdom from Sherlock Holmes Novels— Who doesn’t love Sherlock?  These little tidbits are great.

Some Observations on Tone of Voice— Sometimes how we say something is as important (or more?) than what we say.

7 Ways to Hurt Your Pastor— Number 7 is a cheap shot that some don’t realize: Compare your pastor’s preaching and ministry unfavorably to that of another pastor. Many times the member wants you to know how much he or she likes that pastor on the podcast compared to you. If you really want to hurt your pastor, you can make certain he knows how inferior he is.

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