Month: May 2016

Yes, You Can Care for Orphans

Sunday morning, I preached from 2 Chronicles 7:14 and James 1:27. In short, I urged our congregation to engage in politics by living as ordinary Christians doing ordinary gospel centered things in their everyday life. James 1:27 urges believers to practice pure religion by visiting orphans and widows. Jesus encouraged his followers to visit prisoners …

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How To Listen to a Sermon

Do you know how to read a book? The premise behind Mortimer J. Adler’s and Charle’s Van Doren’s classic book How to Read a Book is that most people can read, but simply do not know how to read a book well. Many people approach reading as a passive activity rather than as an active …

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The Cross Gives You a Mission

The Great Commission is God’s command to us all, but we all have unique oportunities to fulfill that commission. Your mission is determining where, when, and how God would have you to fulfill his Great Commission right where you are.