Month: January 2018

Weariness is Part of the Job

Burnout is a dangerous ditch along the path of pastoral ministry; it should be avoided at all costs. Entire books have been written on burnout, but for the sake of brevity, we will just say that burnout is a mental and/or physical collapse caused by overwork, stress, and self-sufficiency. Burnout is often a result of …

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Through The Fire

The Spirit of God drove Jesus into the wilderness to be tempted and tried. Jesus’ ministry began in the wilderness. He proved his mettle there. TBQ: What does Jesus’ testing mean for us?

Book Review: The Self-Aware Leader

As I work with other leaders, their lack of self-awareness is one of the most common challenges. As I work to become a better leader in my own life I recognize that I struggle with the same issues. It is often easier to see the speck in my brother’s eye than it is to notice the log …

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Three in One

Mark 1:9-11

In the beginning of Jesus’ ministry, we are given a glimpse into the trinitarian relationship of the godhead. TBQ: Why is God’s affirmation of Jesus important?

Snackable, Stackable Discipleship

I preach 30-40 minutes every Sunday. I spend large swaths of my week preparing sermons that require mental focus for an extended period of time and I do not apologize. Over and over I find that people are able to engage for an extended sermon time so long as the message is passionate and engaging …

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The Baptism of the Holy Spirit

John knew that the people needed more than his teaching and preaching. They needed power from on high. John’s message was good, but Jesus’ message would be powerful.

TBQ: Do we welcome the Holy Spirit?

The Beginning of the Gospel of Jesus Christ

Mark 1:1-8

The gospel began, before the arrival of Jesus on the scene. So too, the task of evangelism begins with pre-evangelism.

TBQ: Are you laying groundwork to share the gospel?