Month: November 2019

Pastor, Replanter, or Revitalizer

“When did you decide you wanted to be a revitalizing pastor?” I had to think for a minute. I am blessed to pastor a church that has experienced good revitalization in the past twelve and a half years. We have gone from unhealthy to healthy, we have impacted our community, we have seen lives change, …

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Become a Better Parent Now

How is your parenting? This may be a good parenting week or one that you wish you could do all over again, but regardless of where you are in your parenting, I want you to know that you can improve. You may not be a great parent today, but you can be a better parent tomorrow.

God Is in Control (And That Is a Good Thing)

God is sovereign. That means that God exists in and of himself and has no needs outside of himself. The sovereignty of God also means that he is the supreme authority and all things that exist and events that happen exist and happen under his control and with his permission. In Southern Baptist life, even …

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