Did God Really Say…?

In the Garden of Eden, Satan tempted Eve and Adam to question God’s Word. Ironically, in the midst of her conversation with the Tempter, Eve did not take away from God’s word, instead, she added to it saying, “God said, ‘You shall not eat of the fruit of the tree that is in the midst of the garden, neither shall you touch it, lest you die.'”

God’s command to Adam and Eve, however, was only that they not eat from the fruit of the tree. God did not forbid Adam and Eve from looking at the tree or even touching the tree.

Rather than take God at his word, Eve fell into temptation when she added to God’s word.

When we think of adding to God’s word, we usually think about legalism–adding rules or regulations that God never gave. But, there are other ways of adding to God’s word.

People sometimes add to God’s word by using God as an excuse to get out of a situation. This was common among certain groups in my college days. I saw several relationships ended, “Because God doesn’t want us in this relationship.” It is possible that people get into relationships that do not honor the Lord, but it is also true that when one uses the “God card,” they shut down all other arguments.

Be careful about using the “God told me” card. Do you want to change jobs? OK, but did God tell you to change jobs? If so, how? Do you want to buy a new car? OK. But let’s be honest, God probably didn’t tell you to buy a new car. Do you want to visit other churches? Be honest about the reasons, don’t shut down others by playing the “God card.”

I believe that God is sovereign over the affairs of men and women. Therefore, I do believe that God has something to say about your job and your car. However, I also believe that it is unwise for us to put words in God’s mouth. A more humble approach might be to ask others to pray along with you and, if doors open for a decision, to say, “I believe God is leading me in this direction…” or “I’ve been praying about this and I feel comfortable moving forward in this decision.” It is also OK to just be honest and say, “This is what I want to do and these are the reasons.”

Don’t use God as an excuse. Lean on God for wisdom and guidance, and if you really want God’s direction, ask other people to pray with you and to speak into your current situation. Run to God’s word for direction (Side note: If the thing is contrary to God’s word, God didn’t tell you to do it). And, maybe most importantly, ask people who might disagree with you to pray with you. Don’t stack the deck in your favor by seeking godly advice only from those who will agree with your decisions.

When we live in obedience to God’s Word, we won’t find it necessary to add to it.

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