Endurance Requires Struggle

I’m not much of a runner. I jog to try to stay in shape, but I’m a fair-weather kind of jogger (I don’t run when it is cold or raining). But, one thing I know for certain is that a person can only become a better runner by running. A person can only learn to run further by consistently and systematically running further. And to reach significant distances in running requires significant struggle.

Distance running is a discipline dependent upon endurance. Endurance may not be what you think it is. Endurance does not equal enjoyment.

Endurance is the ability to tolerate a difficult process or situation without giving out or giving up.

Therefore, endurance running, by definition, is not an easy Sunday afternoon stroll. It is the kind of running where you go further than is comfortable. You push yourself to do something that is hard and you tolerate the pain or the discomfort for the benefit of finishing the race.

But, endurance isn’t only a physical activity. Endurance is a particular sort of spiritual activity.

In Hebrews 10:36, we read

For you have need of endurance, so that when you have done the will of God you may receive what is promised.

You need endurance. You must be able to tolerate a difficult process or situation without giving out or giving up. You need spiritual endurance.


Because the Christian life is not always roses and lemonade. Bad things happen. Persecution may come. Struggle is real. And there will come a day when living a life that honors Christ is not fun. There may come a day when living a life that honors Christ is not profitable or even socially acceptable.

When the hard days come, and they will come, Christians do not need pithy phrases of encouragement. When the hard days come, Christians need the preserving power of God’s grace and the grit of endurance.

One of the lies that Christians often believe is the Christian life is easy and fun. But the Bible teaches us that hard days will come, and in those hard days, you will need discipline to endure.

You won’t have to endure forever, for a day is coming when your earthly race will be complete. But, it is the coming day that gives you strength to endure. Just as the earthly crown gives the runner the courage to endure suffering and finish the race. So too, will the hope of the life to come..

Yet a little while, and the coming one will come and will not delay; but my righteous one shall live by faith…

Hold on. He who promised is faithful and his promises are true. Your life may be filled with hardships, but Christ’s salvation is sure. Hold on. Endure suffering. Run to win the crown.

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