Episode 29–Murder, Grace, American Ninja Warrior, and Family Life With Sean Clayton

Sean Clayton is a former American Ninja Warrior competitor, a victim of violence, a U. S. Army veteran, an obstacle course competitor, husband, dad, and Christian. Join us today as Sean shares his story of pain and redemption. He also shares how his dad stuck by his side in his darkest days and how Christ freed him from his sin, anger, and pain. Along the way we get a couple of training tips, talk about half-caff coffee and the absolute value of hot Krispy Kreme donuts.

Sean’s story is incredible. I hope you will listen in and share this episode with someone you know who might be in a dark place today.

For more information about Sean you can look him up on Instagram. You can also see his home gym, The Woodshed, (which I try not to covet) here.

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