
Episode 4: How Should Christians Care for the Sick?

COVID 19 is the disease of the day right now. Hopefully in a few months or years, COVID 19 will be a distant memory. But, regardless of what happens with COVID 19, we will always have sickness among us, and people who are sick need our ministry.

In Matthew 25:36, Jesus said, “I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.”

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Episode 3: Get The Most Out of Your Church

Have you ever felt disconnected from your church? Do you struggle to feel like you fit in? Try these steps to help you get the most out of your church.

  1. Attend Regularly
  2. Join a LifeGroup
  3. Be a Friend
  4. Prepare for Worship
  5. Remember that community is messy…and so are you.
  6. Invest in others and invite them to attend worship with you.
  7. Show up early and stay late.

You can now subscribe to The Ordinary Christian Podcast on iTunes here

Episode 2: Have a Better Quiet Time

Do you struggle to have regular and meaningful devotions. Are you ever tempted to believe that everyone else seems to have this figured out except you? Today on Episode 2 of the Ordinary Christian Podcast, I hope to help you improve your devotional life and take steps to grow in your Christian faith over the next several year.

Episode 1: Ministry in The Margins

Have you ever noticed that many of the important or significant events in your life are unplanned or unexpected? Some of those are negative events: a health scare, the death of a family member, or a car accident.Some are positive like a pay raise or a surprise visit from a friend. The same thing is true for our discipleship opportunities as Christians. Many of our most rewarding spiritual experiences come about in unplanned and sometimes even unexpected circumstances.