
Look Around

Have you taken the time to look for the Lord this year? Have you studied his word and looked for the things he offered. Have you studied his word and looked for the things he offered? Have you seen the good news and experienced the great joy? Are you experiencing peace?


Luke 2:15-19

Tremble, But Do Not Fear

The Bible clearly states that Jesus is closer than a brother, but the closeness of this relationship does not make it a common relationship. Angels are not cuddly pets, and the king of the universe is no longer a baby in a manger. God deserves our glory, but he has made a way of peace so that we need not fear. he deserves our worship and we must proclaim his peace to the ends of the world.

The Righteousness of Faith

Romans 9:30-33

Why are the gentiles experiencing God’s salvation in greater proportion than the nation of Israel? Paul shows that the Gentiles pursued salvation by faith.

The God of Mercy

Romans 9:14-29. Mercy is the foundation of forgiveness. God’s mercy is his gracious witholding of judgment that enables lost sinners to hear and respond to the gospel.

Pastoring With a Shepherd’s Heart and Hands

The Bible uses many terms for those who are called to lead a church—elder, teacher, presbyter, etc.—but my favorite term is that of pastor. When people in my church ask what they should call me, I encourage them to call me Craig, but if they must use a title, I prefer pastor. The children in …

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Secure in Christ

In Romans 8:26-30 God assures belevers of the security of their salvation. Paul shows that even the bad things of life work within God’s good plan. Paul also emphasized that God has a sure plan to sanctify believers.

Let’s Agree to Disagree

Recently, I preached from Hebrews 10: 19-25. In verse 24, the writer of Hebrews encourages his readers to “consider how to stir up one another to love and good works.” The phrase that the ESV interprets as “stir up” is translated in other versions as “spur one another on,” “provoke one another,” and “stimulate one another.” The Greek word …

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