Look Around

Have you taken the time to look for the Lord this year? Have you studied his word and looked for the things he offered. Have you studied his word and looked for the things he offered? Have you seen the good news and experienced the great joy? Are you experiencing peace?


Luke 2:15-19

Tremble, But Do Not Fear

The Bible clearly states that Jesus is closer than a brother, but the closeness of this relationship does not make it a common relationship. Angels are not cuddly pets, and the king of the universe is no longer a baby in a manger. God deserves our glory, but he has made a way of peace so that we need not fear. he deserves our worship and we must proclaim his peace to the ends of the world.

The Proverbs 31 Husband

The family unit is the most basic of relationships spelled out in the Bible. Even before the church, God instituted marriage. The relationship between husband and wife is a regular topic of discussion within the church and is often mentioned in the Bible. Husbands are primarily to love and lead as in their home and …

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What are you Defending?

Everyone should read C.S. Lewis. His wisdom is timeless and his journey of faith is beneficial for the Christian mission. His intellect and ability to communicate are a gift to the church and his ministry continues many years after his death. He is not only a Christian writer, he is a fantastic writer who happens …

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The Righteousness of Faith

Romans 9:30-33

Why are the gentiles experiencing God’s salvation in greater proportion than the nation of Israel? Paul shows that the Gentiles pursued salvation by faith.