Month: January 2016

There is No Sweet Tea in the South

Someone is thinking that I’ve lost my mind. The south is the land of sweet tea, but of course, if you live in the south (and are from the south) you know that in any decent restaurant, you do not have to order sweet tea, you just order tea. Tea in the south is sweet. …

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Face the Facts

Nehemiah 2:9-20

Be honest about the reality of your situation. our marching orders come from God.

Say the Right Thing

I don’t switch Bibles often because I want my Bible to fit me like a glove. I take notes in my Bibles and over time I grow to know it like a close friend. New Bibles are hard for me to adjust to, but recently the fresh pages of a new Bible offered a clean …

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God’s Sovereignty in Answered Prayer

God answered Nehemiah’s prayer, but God anticipated the prayer of Nhemiah and blessed him with a position to enable him to be God’s instrument before Nehemiah was even aware of te need for prayer.

We Don’t Do Silly

I don’t do silly. In our home, we don’t do silly, but we do funny and we love to laugh. Some people will read this as me being a mean and oppressive parent who does not allow fun in our home. I can assure you that is not the case. Our home is filled with wrestling, …

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Cry Out to God

A great tool that we use to help our kids learn and memorize Scripture is Seeds Family Worship. You can teach your family this verse with the song, Call to Me. If you would like to download the whole album, you can do so here. As parents, we may get tired of listening to kids songs over and over, but if we are going to endure them, it may as well serve a higher purpose. With Seeds Family Worship, your kids will learn God’s word and you will learn it along with them.

Book Review: 7 Men

I have a goal of reading 100 books this year. Undoubtedly some of those books will be biographies, but in reality there are few people that I desire to know so much about that I would be willing to read a 400 page biography. However, there are many people that I want to know a …

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The Posture of Prayer

Nehemiah 1:1-4

Our attitude in prayer should be one of contrition and humility. We shouldl come to God broken, not proud.