Month: March 2020

Episode 7: Don’t Lead Your Children To Sin

Parents, read the Proverbs and take them to heart. Train up a child in the way that he or she should go. But, beware of how you may be leading your children astray. Beware, because for those who lead others astray, it would be better if they were drowned in the sea with a giant stone around their neck. Beware, because by leading your children to sin, you may lead them to hell. These are hard truths and they certainly are not fun, but life is real and eternity is forever, and you are the greatest hope your children have of learning about Jesus.

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Community: It’s The Real Thing

I never knew my grandpa. He died before I was born. But, he retired from the Coca-Cola company, and as a result of his years of dedication to the company, my family has always been a Coke family. Through the years, my parents’ home has collected a wide variety of Coca-Cola memorabilia. My favorite pieces …

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Practice Social Distancing, Not Relational Distancing

Yesterday in my podcast, I mentioned that we should practice social distancing, but should work to maintain relational intimacy. It was a spur of the moment comment, but it has bounced around in my brain constantly for the past 24 hours. God created us to be relational beings. It isn’t just that we enjoy social …

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A Prayer For A Time of Pandemic

God, we pray for medical personnel. While the rest of the world is distancing themselves from this disease, medical personnel are running toward it. God we pray for doctors and nurses on the front lines. Protect them from this novel corona-virus and all of the other illnesses that spread across our world. Father, from HIV to Ebola, and seasonal flu, healthcare workers across the globe are risking their own health to try to improve the health of others. God we pray that you would protect them and give them courage in the days head.

Caring For Your Church During Coronavirus

Many of you reading this didn’t gather with your local church last Sunday. Many more of you will not gather in coming weeks. Every aspect of life is very different today, and that is certainly true of the church. But, remember, the church is not where you go, it is who you are. As you …

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Naked and Alone Doesn’t Have To Be Your Future

In Mark 14:51-52 a young man finds himself in an awkward place. After Jesus was arrested, the young man followed from a distance in the dark. Suddenly, the young man was recognized the guards seized him. He left his linen cloak behind and fled into the night, naked. On Monday, March16, 2020, the world feels …

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Episode 4: How Should Christians Care for the Sick?

COVID 19 is the disease of the day right now. Hopefully in a few months or years, COVID 19 will be a distant memory. But, regardless of what happens with COVID 19, we will always have sickness among us, and people who are sick need our ministry.

In Matthew 25:36, Jesus said, “I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.”

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Who Are You?

In the 1970s, police in Delray Beach, Florida picked up a woman known to her neighbors as “Garbage Mary.” Mary appeared to be delusional and destitute, she was clothed in rags and plundered through the garbage to eat. When they searched her two-bedroom apartment, authorities discovered that it was filled with trash. Garbage was found …

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