Month: March 2020

10 Reasons You Shouldn’t Attend Church Regularly

Do you need the church? Many people like to make the argument that they don’t need the church to love Jesus. All of the excuses are out there. Some of them may even appeal to you. After all, many people claim the church is just a “human invention” anyway and “full of hypocrites.” But, what …

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Episode 3: Get The Most Out of Your Church

Have you ever felt disconnected from your church? Do you struggle to feel like you fit in? Try these steps to help you get the most out of your church.

  1. Attend Regularly
  2. Join a LifeGroup
  3. Be a Friend
  4. Prepare for Worship
  5. Remember that community is messy…and so are you.
  6. Invest in others and invite them to attend worship with you.
  7. Show up early and stay late.

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